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It all starts with choosing the right block of land for your planned build.

There is more to consider than just where the block of land is located in proximity to shops, beaches and schools. Vacant land in residential areas can be impacted by restrictions to the land; for example sewer lines, easements and building setbacks.

Rural vacant land can also be impacted by restrictions like biodiversity, environmental constraints and allocated building envelopes.


Here are some points to consider when buying vacant land;

If there is a steep slope how will that increase my site costs and what house design would best suit the slope.

Are there trees to be removed and can the trees to be removed?

Is the vacant land impacted by biodiversity?

Does the vacant land have an allocated Asset Protection Zone? 

What is the fire rating? Does my budget extend to building a house to meet fire rating requirements?



Visit your local Council and make enquiries about the vacant land.

Write down your questions before you go, be prepared to listen to the Duty Officer at Council and write down the response you receive. 

Council are well informed to help you with any local building codes and restrictions.

Council can also advise you of any proposed local development that you may not know of.


Brainstorm all your building ideas and find a way to communicate those ideas to your building designer.

A mood board with lots of pictures can be from magazines, the internet and places like pinterest.

Scribble down some floor plan combinations. This allows you to find out the advantages and disadvantages of certain building styles allowing you to make up your own mind of what you like in a home and how it functions with the internal and external spaces.


At this point, you should have your block of land secured.

Combined with your sketches, ideas and brief, now is the time to make an appointment with Seidel Building Design to discuss building your home.

We can meet you on site or you meet with Stephen in our office.


A preliminary plan will now be designed to meet your brief.

This is the time to decide on who will build your planned build.

Will you appoint a builder or owner build?

What is the difference? A builder takes on the project management of the build and allocates trades to carry out the different stages of the building work.

Choosing to go owner builder can be a cost saver but you will be required to obtain a owner builders license to take on the role yourself as builder. You can then undertake to do the work yourself or appoint different trades as you need them.


It is a good idea to break down your building budget.

Allocate how much you will spend on each building stage.

A simple breakdown example would be; Foundations, excavation site preparation, external to lockup, internal fitout, landscaping and site cleanup. You can then breakdown the components to kitchen, bathroom etc.



Allow a reasonable time line for completion of each building stage.

Take into consideration the many elements that impact on you meeting a desired time line and completion date.

Weather, trade availability, material supplies can be some of the contributing factors that will create building delays.

© 2020 Seidelbuildingdesign 

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